Energy Action your go-to for a net-zero tomorrow
Recent Australian Furniture Association research indicates that energy costs and embodied carbon are two of the most important issues facing AFA members.
Energy prices across Australia are soaring, with Australia balancing surging energy prices with its commitments to a net-zero economy by 2050 according to ABC News.

So what is on Prime Minister Albanese’s mind*?

In a special interview AFA CEO, Patrizia Torelli, spoke to with Director and CEO of Energy Action, Bruce Macfarlane about the energy and carbon crisis and how AFA Members can benefit from specialist advice.

View Webinar HERE or read the transcript HERE.

‘We’ve all seen the news. We all know Australia is in the middle of an energy crisis. Don’t stand back and watch the prices continue to climb and the cost of your energy bills continue to rise. Energy Action can help you navigate these times,’ Bruce Macfarlane said.

Energy Action is a Climate Active energy partner who has helped more than 7000 Australian businesses with energy savings and push towards a Net Zero tomorrow.
Energy Action have partnered with the AFA to help AFA Members take control of their energy needs and navigate their journey towards Net Zero at least cost.
And when it comes to net-zero, Energy Action can talk the talk and walk the walk.
Bruce Macfarlane explains:
‘Energy Action is a certified by Climate Active, a government body, as being Net Zero.
What it means is that our business produces no net emissions.
We’ve done that by firstly understanding and measuring our emissions across, energy, and other things like travel, waste, and office supplies. Then we greened what we could by buying green energy. And lastly, we offset what we couldn’t buy as a ‘net zero’ product.
I wanted Energy Action to get to Net Zero certification so we had that lived experience and can help businesses that want to get there by showing them the practical steps we took.’

Energy Action can help AFA members achieve Net Zero by measuring energy usage and emission sources – it can help large emitters write a strategy so they can balance timelines and costs.
For smaller emitters, it can help AFA members make smart choices around green power, solar PV, or energy efficiency measures.

According to Australian Government energy research Australia’s manufacturing industry is one of the nation’s most energy intensive – this includes furniture and furnishing manufacturers.
It accounts for close to one quarter of Australia’s total energy consumption.

The AFA supports a net-zero future and has partnered with Energy Action to assist AFA members with opportunities to reshape how and when they use power.
For more information, please visit AFA’s dedicated Energy Action partner link.

*Courtesy ABC News Anthony Albanese won’t be at COP27 but energy will be on his mind as Australia’s power prices soar – ABC News