WiFM delivers informative networking, training and upskilling events which are relevant and meaningful to practitioners and business professionals across the furnishing industry supply chain sectors.

‘Save Money. Make Money. Know the Law’


These webinar events deliver tailored presentations on subject matter which serve to deliver on the three principles of business. Expert panelists will deliver on ‘HOT’ topics identified by business leaders as critical to their success.


The ‘Elevator Pitch’ Series


Provides a quick ‘lunch break’ webinar session to introduce you and your business to potential business partners, clients or suppliers whilst discussing the month’s top business challenge in an informal setting with no judgement and no criticism. Designed for those with something to say and a lot to share.


Choose your Topic


Want to request a specific subject matter for advice and support? Contact WiFM direct on care@wifm.asn.au


Present A Topic


Are you an expert in your field? Have something to say? Want to host an event? Contact WiFM direct on care@wifm.asn.au


Manage CPD


Allied industry groups may also schedule Continuous Professional Development events at WiFM including contribution towards Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points for registered or accredited practitioners. Use this user friendly platform to deliver your PD session. For further information contact WiFM direct on care@wifm.asn.au